Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WebCams Hacks!!!!

This one straight from the news centres. Though people say it is old news, well I came to know about this only a few days ago. Seriously! And experimenting with this has been real interesting.

So what is this all about?

The news entirely is that ”you can access any webcam connected to the internet using a random “google” search. Ya, google search and ‘any’ webcam except that it shouldn’t be password protected and is not being accessed by many viewers. This news has spread like wild fire and many, many people are accessing the webcams using these google search queries.

The search query used is ”inurl

Try this out yourself:

Get to the google search engine and type in inurl:view/view.shtml

You get a list of webcams accessible online, a random list of both password protected and non-protected webcams. Yeah, both kinds. Click on them and if you are lucky, you will get access to some online webcam. Lucky because, it shouldn’t be password protected and there shouldn’t be too many viewers. :D

Now that’s not the only search query that gives you random camera links. Infact there are loads of them. How do you find them out? What does inurl do?

First let’s look at what this inurl is. Using inurl you can return urls which contains the string that follows. In the example above the string is view/view.shtml. Well that was a pretty simple way to tell you what it does. (For more Google Queries, do read this pdf file named Demystifying Google Hacks by Debasis Mohanty).

Now more of those strings which gives random camera lists. (There are so many of them that listing all of them will cause lose in interest of using them, an entire list shall be provided in these pages soon. These strings have been both found by me and compiled from various websites, forums and blogs. Thanks to all those people for their effort.)

inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis




Try them out using Google and see how you can make the cams turn and zoom to your clicks!

Try this one also! “TOSHIBA Network Camera - User Login” in google.

Now let me introduce you to a website where the creator has done lots of homework, making network camera access easy. Live Cameras at Griffid

And another website where the creator has classified the network cams based on the Manufacturer, the Country, the City etc. Pretty wonderful work here.



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